Monday, July 31, 2006

"This Is Only A Test..."

Welcome to wherever we are.

It's a hot, humid, early Monday morning in the Boston area. Sitting in the darkness, illuminated by the screen-saver of the nearby Cyberhome all-region DVD player, I take the first step into bloggerousness. Never really thought I'd start myself up one of these things, but then life takes its share of turns and now here we both are. Close friends have suggested it, some even trying to push me into the world of MySpace. This seems the more literary choice. Here's to the hopeful, continuing entertainment we will all share, hereforth.

I'm a movie guy. Always have been and always will be, I'd imagine. Went to high school and worked with local cable access in small town Massachusetts, then film school in small town New Hampshire and after a six year run in public relations media production I've been doing time in a video store. The manager type in a nationwide chain. Could be better, could be worse. As a presently-36-year-old dreamer, I continue to hold onto my goals of become a filmmaker and not just a film renter. I've had some close calls -- offers to exhibit in film festivals and pseudo-production offers from as far away as Austrailia -- but the brass ring remains out of reach at the moment. We'll see what happens in that area in the coming days, months and hopefully not-too-many years. Until then, we shall share stories of life up against the 'New Release' wall, dreams of better things, film criticism, love, honor and the occassional dirty joke.

Oh, Posting #1 is dedicated to and the blog of New York Hack. Thanks for the continuing inspiration.

More soon...